The Uragh Stone Circle is an ancient stone circle located near Gleninchaquin Park in County Kerry, Ireland. The Bronze Age site is believed to have been built between 3300 and 900 BCE, and is considered a part of the larger category of stone circles that are commonly found throughout Britain, Ireland, and Brittany. These circles were typically constructed of standing stones arranged in a circular pattern, and their original purpose is not fully understood. However, it is believed that they were used for multiple purposes, including burials, religious or ceremonial purposes, and community gatherings. It is also thought that the stones were situated in relation to meaningful solar and lunar alignments.

The Uragh Stone Circle is a relatively small example of this type of monument, consisting of four low megaliths situated next to a large standing stone. The largest standing stone is ten feet high and the circle is eight feet in diameter. The site also includes a multiple stone circle and some boulder burials. In County Cork and County Kerry, there are a total of 79 surviving stone circles, and the Uragh Stone Circle is considered to be a representative example of the D-shaped stone circles found in this region, with the axial stone forming the line of the D.